Wholly Soul
Soul = Mind + Will + Emotions
I believe we were all created for a specific purpose and with a unique gift in which only we can deliver to the world. There is only one YOU!
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
Jeremiah 1:5a NIV
A Life Champion helps you discover your true self and overcome anything standing in the way of you living your best life and giving your best YOU! Everything you need to achieve your goals and dreams, already exists in you! Schedule your complimentary coaching session and start unlocking your potential today.
Single Session
$150 hr
No Term Commitment Required
1 Hour Video Conference Call
Requires 30 min complimentary call.
12 Sessions
$125 hr
12 Week Commitment Required
1 Hour Video Conference Call
Requires 30 min complimentary call.
Package Total: $1,500, savings of $300
24 Sessions
$100 hr
24 Week Commitment Required
1 Hour Video Conference Call
Requires 30 min complimentary call.
Package Total: $2,400, savings of $1,200
Have a Group...
$249 pp
Commitment: 2 hours per week for 6 to 10 weeks depending on course enrollment
Max Group Size: 10 participants
Min Group Size: 5 participants
*plus course materials
Bonus: FREE enrollment for group organizer
(course materials purchased separately)
Join My Next Group...
$299 pp
Commitment: 2 hours per week for 6 to 10 weeks depending on course enrollment
*plus course materials
Referral Bonus: FREE course materials for you and your guest.
(referral must be a new Client to qualify for this bonus)
Groups will close when we reach 10 participants
Masterclass Leadership Training
Leadership Training Courses
Growth Starts Here...
This curriculum will help you understand how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life
Be Intentional...
Deep down, what does every person want most? To live a life that matters. We all want to feel like the time we spent on earth made a difference. How do we achieve that?
Intentional Living
John says, “When you intentionally use your influence every day to bring about positive change in the lives of others, you achieve significance.” There is a big difference between a life of good intentions and an intentional life. Almost everyone has good intentions. An intentional life, however, has thought and purpose to it.
Dreams can be reality...
Your dream has power. It can inspire you. It can empower you. But will it reward you? This course shows you how to do the things needed to make your dream come true. Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. You will learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment by instructing you how to answer ‘yes’ to questions like:
Is my dream really my dream?
Am I depending on factors in my control to achieve my dream?
Do I have a strategy to achieve my dream?
Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?
Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?
Does my dream benefit others?
Connection is the Secret...
The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your full potential. It’s no secret! Connecting is a skill you can learn and apply in your personal, professional, and family relationships and you can start now by taking this course!
Impact the LIves of Others...
Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.
Learn from you Losses...
“Life’s Greatest Lessons Are Gained From Our Losses” - Dr. John C. Maxwell
Every one of us has experienced a disappointing loss in our own personal growth or leadership. How we have responded to those mistakes, errors, slips in judgment or just plain missing the goal has formed us even now. No bad experience has to ultimately defeat us. This book helps light the path to a more fulfilling life by examining loss, not from measuring what one does not have, but how loss can bring abundance.