Many of us right now, are looking around wondering what in the world is happening? Where are you God? Why would you let such awful things happen? How did the prophets get it wrong? They must be false prophets. Who can we turn to now? Who can we trust?
The truth is there is and always has been, only ever one voice you can fully trust. Gods and you must hear it for yourself in order to discern false prophets from real ones. God is looking for His remnant people. The ones that will stand in faith on His word and not falter by what they see with their natural eyes.
Just because God hasn’t fulfilled His word yet, doesn’t make Him wrong. It makes Him timely. His timing is always perfect and never late. God exists outside of time and He does’t much care about our timelines and deadlines. He cares about maximum impact of His glory and our good!!! His desire is for ALL to come to repentance. We don’t know what it will take for those He is seeking after to come to repentance so we must continue to endure and pray.
8But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 9The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for ALL to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:8-9 (emphasis mine)
Honestly, if President Trump or President Elect Biden had won the election just like in any historical election, do you really think the world would still be shaking and searching for justice? Absolutely not, everyone would have simply gone back to life as usual and the church would still be sleeping. This election process has received the most prophetic attention than any other election in our history. Why do you think that is?
God is doing something here and we must not give up the faith simply because our eyes see something different then what He promised! You are probably now asking yourself, what did God really promise? How do I know what to stand on and have faith in?
There is only one way to know the answers to those questions. That is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ himself. He wants to share His heart with you. He desires for all of us to fight with Him for His plan and purpose for our lives and the lives that make up this great nation. If we want to know and see what God is doing we have to spend personal time with Him seeking His heart and will. We have to be willing to lay down our will and our desires to hear and see His.
In Numbers 13 & 14 we find the story of the twelve spies that God told Moses to appoint and send into the land of Canaan that He was going to GIVE to the sons of Israel. He was going to hand it to them on a silver platter. All they had to do was trust Him and believe in His promise that He was going to give it to them.
But there was one problem, twelve went out, twelve all saw the same things, but twelve did not report the same things back. In fact, verse 25, says they spent 40 days spying in the land. All twelve, confirmed it was indeed a land flowing with milk and honey and look at the fruit, the one cluster of grapes was so large we had to carry it on a pole between two guys to bring it back here. NEVERTHELESS, the people that live there are strong, the cities are fortified and very large and moreover, we saw the descendants of Anak there.
Let’s pay close attention to two words ten of these spies used. Nevertheless and Moreover.
According to Webster’s Dictionary:
Nevertheless means in spite of that
Moreover means in addition to what has been said
Moreover is used to give emphasis to what is immediately said after it.
In other words, ten of the spies that agreed the land was beautiful and all God said it would be, a land flowing with milk and honey and massive fruit to prove it, decided to allow fear to be the message they delivered with more emphasis.
28Nevertheless, the people who live in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large; and moreover, we saw the descendants of Anak there. Numbers 13:28
The people must have been grumbling by this point because scripture goes on to say Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said we should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it. He was immediately countered by the other ten men that denied their ability to fight these giants because they devour people and we are but mere grasshoppers before them.
Don’t you see, they chose to allow what they saw with their eyes to dominate their thoughts instead of having faith in God’s promise to GIVE them the land and let that truth dominate what they saw.
Choosing that fear over faith cost them the promised land. Only Joshua and Caleb were permitted to enter the promised land, none of these other leaders were allowed, they were sentenced to the wilderness. Now, here is the best part, and it proves God’s faithfulness to His word.
After the Israelites realize they are sentenced to the wilderness, they decide to “obey” God after they realized they sinned only to find out their obedience is now disobedience because He already told them they were sentenced to the wilderness and would not be permitted to enter the promised land. Moses even asks them why they are transgressing the commandment of the Lord, when it will not succeed and warns them not to go but they didn’t listen and many fell by the sword.
There are two points I want to share here. One, we cannot allow fear to control our thoughts, emotions, or actions. Fear is the enemies game. He uses it to control people and push his agenda and plans. He uses it to keep us out of the will of the Father and to keep us from entering the Promised Land. If fear is behind any of your thoughts, emotions, or decisions, you are being deceived and controlled by the enemy, Satan himself.
The second point I want to share is this story proves we serve a just God that will not stand for disobedience and a faithless people. For too long, we have heard a God preached in our churches that is loving and merciful and like a big giant teddy bear of cuddliness who forgives everything and you will live happily ever after in this glorious sunset on a beautiful beach somewhere free of all problems. There is only one problem with this picture…2020!
Recently, we have heard that thirty percent of believers will not return to Church after Covid. They are calling it the Covid cover, and it is real. But honestly, I wonder if maybe these thirty percent aren’t returning to Church because what they see happening in the world today doesn’t line up with the God they’ve been taught about. Maybe they are truly beginning to question if God really exists, when this loving God could allow such horrible things.
Friends, God is a JUST God, that requires obedience and faith from His elect, His remnant. This story of Joshua, Caleb and the ten spies proves that God will not stand for disobedience and faithlessness. Yes, He is forgiving, loving, merciful, full of grace, and much more, but we cannot lose sight of His justness. We need to have a reverence for God that brings about awe and wonder. There is a fire about Him that consumes everything in its path. Fire hurts, fire refines, fire burns, fire consumes.
God never promised us a life without trouble, problems, disease, sin, hurt, pain, etc. He promised us a life eternal with Him through Jesus Christ. He promised us hope for a better future. Our job now in this time, on this earth, is to stand with Him, trust in Him and have FAITH! Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
Faith is God’s way. He calls us to trust Him and what He says, not what we see.
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17
In other words, faith comes through your ears, not your eyes! As a believer; we have to learn to see with our ears. That is going to take great work, but it is the way to pleasing the Father. Fatih comes by what you hear in His word not what you see in the world.
God himself is the only infallible one. You cannot trust anyone or anything else. You want to know who you can listen to and trust that speaks the heart of the God? Then you need to know the heart of God for yourself. Open the word, read it, study it, pray through it, seek Him for yourself and He will reveal His heart to you. Then and only then, can you truly test the prophets and pastors and teachers you are choosing to take counsel from. How? You might ask…because we serve a God that loves confirmation. He will share His heart with you and then confirm it through someone or something else.
We need to stop getting our facts from sources that manipulate and control the narrative they want you to believe.
Please my friends, if you don’t know who Jesus is, then I urge you to reach out to me, I would love to share Him with you. He is a good God that loves you and has a perfect plan for your life.
For those of you, that are turning away because you trusted the prophets and they were “wrong”…I only have one thing to say and I pray you hear the heart of the Father…
Your trust can’t be in the prophets, they are mere humans just like everyone else and they are not infallible. They too can misinterpret how God will accomplish what He said He would do. Now with that said, God is not done. He is just getting started. Don’t you recall me saying He exists outside of time and He doesn’t care about our timelines and deadlines? Just because God hasn’t fulfilled His word yet, doesn’t make it “wrong”. Hold the faith! Trust in His word! That is the only way to please Him. Do we serve a miraculous God or not? YES! So then let’s keep praying for the miraculous to reveal itself!
Just because we can’t SEE it doesn’t mean He won’t do it! Hold the Faith...