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Writer's pictureShannon Broadbent

Breakthrough is Coming...

Last night in a dream I was told that our prayers were working. We were in fact about to experience breakthrough. There was a strong urge to continue and even increase the warfare in this season. Then the dream shifted to Mike Pence…(more on that later)

Yesterday morning on November 11th the Lord showed me a similarity between Biden/Trump and Ishmael/Isaac. God blessed both Ishmael and Isaac. A nation was birthed from both of them BUT, Isaac was God’s chosen and Ishmael was born out of a lack of faith to God’s word. We are looking at a clear picture of God’s sovereignty. Two paths, two options, a fork in the road so to speak. One way is His way, the other is man’s way that He will still use for good and His glory.

Only one of the two Presidential candidates is God’s chosen. The other is man’s choice born out of a lack of faith in God’s word. I believe we need to be seeking after God’s heart and who His chosen is and pray that in. We need to stop looking at what we see with our eyes in the natural and start seeing with our spirits.

We have a role to play in this election process and that is prayer. Praying His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We cannot just sit back and say, God is sovereign and will have his way. We are the church and we need to stand and fight with Him for His purpose and plan to prevail over our enemies plan.

Light wins but not without a fight!

We wrestle not against flesh and blood (what we see with our eyes) we fight agains powers and principalities (what we cannot see with our eyes). This is not a fight between Trump and Biden. This is a spiritual fight only won with prayer and fasting. Honestly, I don’t care which man God uses to further His Kingdom. I just want to see His Kingdom come, lives healed and changed, hearts surrendered and unity among His people.

Will you stand and fight for what God has told you personally or through the prophets if he has not told you personally? Stand in agreement with His will for our land. We are awfully close to breakthrough my friends, I saw it.

Let's go back to the dream, after I saw breakthrough, I saw Mike Pence at a podium addressing someone, a crowd of people, and he began reading Ezekiel 28, then I woke up.

I immediately went to my prayer room to read Ezekiel 28. Please read it and ask God for the interpretation but this is what I believe He is saying.

v. 1-10 is a prediction of the fall of the king of Tyre, who was proud and boastful over the fall of Jerusalem.

v. 11-19 is a lamentation for the king of Tyre and explains that when he falls, he in fact, falls by his own iniquity. I also believe these verses are symbolic of Satan and his fall which is further confirmation that we are fighting a spiritual battle. This is not about Biden vs. Trump. It is a spiritual battle between light and dark for the soul of our Nation. We must not give up, we must stand and pray!

v. 20-23 is a prophecy spoken to the city of Sidon that when God brings judgement it will in fact reveal His holiness and everyone watching will know that He is Lord. From the beginning of this entire election process I have believed that God is going to reveal Himself in such a way that no one will be able to deny He is Lord.

v. 24-26 is a promise of restoration for the people of Israel and that He will reveal to the nations of the world His holiness among His people.

The restoration of His people is coming. Can you see it? If you can’t, that is ok, please hold the faith and believe His word. Ask Him to give you eyes to see what He sees.

As you read Ezekiel 28, and gain further revelation of what God is doing in this season, please comment below. I would love to hear what He is revealing to you.

Blessings to all of you and know I am praying for you, our Nation and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

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